Introduction to Bolt Type Anchor Shackles

Bolt type anchor shackles are critical components in lifting and rigging operations, providing a secure and robust means of connecting various rigging elements. At Andrascom, we understand the importance of high-quality shackles in ensuring the safety and efficiency of heavy-duty operations. This guide explores the features, benefits, applications, and key considerations of bolt type anchor shackles, helping you make informed decisions for your rigging needs.

What is a Bolt Type Anchor Shackle?

A bolt type anchor shackle is a U-shaped piece of metal secured with a bolt and nut instead of a pin. This design offers a more secure and permanent connection, making it ideal for applications where the shackle is subjected to dynamic or heavy loads. Bolt type anchor shackles are commonly used in lifting, towing, and securing loads in various industrial and commercial applications.

Key Features of Bolt Type Anchor Shackles

  1. Robust Construction: Made from high-strength materials like alloy steel or stainless steel, ensuring durability and resistance to heavy loads.
  2. Secure Fastening: The bolt and nut design provides a secure and permanent connection, reducing the risk of accidental disassembly.
  3. Versatile Design: Suitable for a wide range of applications, including lifting, towing, and securing loads.
  4. High Load Capacity: Capable of handling significant loads, making them suitable for industrial and heavy-duty applications.
  5. Corrosion Resistance: Many bolt type anchor shackles are treated with coatings to resist rust and corrosion, enhancing their durability in harsh environments.

Benefits of Using Bolt Type Anchor Shackles

  1. Enhanced Safety: Provides a secure and permanent connection, reducing the risk of load slippage and ensuring the safety of the operation.
  2. Durability: Built to withstand heavy loads and harsh conditions, offering long-lasting performance.
  3. Versatility: Suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and marine to industrial and recreational uses.
  4. Reliability: The bolt and nut design ensures a reliable connection, ideal for dynamic or heavy-load applications.
  5. Cost-Effective: Provides a reusable solution for various rigging needs, making them a cost-effective choice.

Applications of Bolt Type Anchor Shackles

1. Construction Industry

In construction, bolt type anchor shackles are used for lifting and securing heavy materials and equipment. Their secure and durable design makes them indispensable for construction projects.

2. Marine and Offshore

The marine and offshore industries rely on bolt type anchor shackles for mooring, towing, and lifting heavy loads. Their corrosion resistance and robust construction make them ideal for maritime applications.

3. Industrial Rigging

In industrial settings, these shackles are essential for connecting slings, chains, and other rigging components. They ensure secure and efficient lifting and handling of heavy machinery and materials.

4. Towing and Recovery

Bolt type anchor shackles are widely used in towing and recovery operations. Their strong and reliable connection makes them suitable for towing vehicles, boats, and other heavy loads.

5. Recreational Activities

In recreational activities such as camping and off-roading, bolt type anchor shackles are used to secure tents, tow vehicles, and anchor equipment. Their versatility and strength make them popular in outdoor adventures.

How to Choose the Right Bolt Type Anchor Shackle

When selecting a bolt type anchor shackle, consider the following factors:

  1. Load Capacity: Choose a shackle with a working load limit that matches or exceeds the weight of the load you need to lift or secure.
  2. Material: Opt for shackles made from high-quality materials such as alloy steel or stainless steel to ensure durability and strength.
  3. Bolt and Nut Design: Ensure the bolt and nut are easy to operate and secure, providing a reliable connection.
  4. Size: Select the appropriate size of the shackle based on the dimensions of the rigging components you will be using.
  5. Corrosion Resistance: For applications in harsh environments, choose shackles with corrosion-resistant coatings to enhance longevity.
  6. Safety Standards: Ensure the shackle meets relevant safety standards and certifications to guarantee reliability and safety in your operations.

Installation and Maintenance Tips

Proper installation and maintenance of bolt type anchor shackles are crucial for ensuring their effectiveness and longevity. Here are some tips:

  1. Correct Installation: Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for proper installation. Ensure the bolt is fully engaged and tightened securely with the nut.
  2. Regular Inspection: Inspect the shackle regularly for signs of wear, deformation, or corrosion. Replace any damaged or worn shackles immediately.
  3. Lubrication: Keep the bolt and nut well-lubricated to ensure smooth operation and prevent rusting.
  4. Cleaning and Storage: Clean the shackle after use and store it in a dry, cool place to prevent rust and deterioration.
  5. Training: Provide proper training for operators on the safe use and maintenance of bolt type anchor shackles to enhance safety and efficiency.

Why Choose Andrascom for Bolt Type Anchor Shackles?

At Andrascom, we are committed to providing high-quality bolt type anchor shackles that meet the highest standards of safety, performance, and durability. Our products undergo rigorous testing to ensure they can handle the demands of heavy-duty applications, making us a trusted partner for all your rigging needs.


Bolt type anchor shackles are essential tools for secure and efficient lifting and rigging operations across various industries. Whether you’re in construction, marine, industrial rigging, towing, or recreational activities, choosing the right bolt type anchor shackle is crucial for the safety and efficiency of your operations. Trust Andrascom for all your bolt type anchor shackle requirements and experience the difference in quality and service.

For more information on our products and services, visit Andrascom Bolt Type Anchor Shackles and let us help you find the perfect solution for your rigging needs.